Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Timmy visits Man City Academy

(Picture of first team gym, looks decent doesn't it.... wonder how many are squatting or lifting in it though??)
It was a great opportunity for me to take as I left for Manchester City and a tour around the club from the academy. Jools Ward of Manchester City FC took me around the various facilities starting on Wednesday as I saw where youth teams trained at the academy. I found the people working at the facility to be very helpful and not afraid to share information from questions I asked. I bumped into the assistant S and C coach. He took me on a tour around the fitness facilities, which are currently being worked on. He was most helpful and it was encouraging to hear the S and C language being explained in what he does with each team. (First time I've heard in football). These were mostly corrective alignment issues with most players. So simple squat patterns and stabilization of trunk helped in these areas. For a football player there is a constant movement from the hips. Jools explained the testing procedures during the in-season, constant reassessment was administered to the team players. He stated about the goalkeeper training using the counter-movement triple extension and the non counter-movement jump, but breaking down the jump to shift the hips and laterally adjust the legs to generate as much force from the ground as possible, (e.g.) from a penalty kick making that extra edge to achieve a greater power to save the shot. I found it interesting to discover these methods of achieving development of players to get the extra edge. The coaches think outside the box by looking at the detail of generating force from different areas of improvement. They also build fantastic relationships with parents and gain respect from the players, although some over-confident players can be too big for their boots. They can be difficult to tame and difficult to find out what their true potential is. For example if there is a player lifting big weight for his body weight, yet seems to be easy for him, his ego does it and seems to be a breeze. This has its pros and cons. Yes the player is relaxed and playful although he could go a lot further. Coaching these talented athletes can be a challenge. This could be the same on the field of play and that player not achieving his best. At this level a player has most certainly not made it, even in the first team the player has not made it and there is always room for learning. Unfortunately this is what stops a great player from achieving the best they can be. Cristiano Ronaldo is a great example of a worker - a grafter, a player who doesn't give up. He is the first to be for breakfast and last to leave the training field. People wonder why he looks so good physically on the pitch. His foreign culture should be mimicked through the rest of British football, as the culture of football in some areas is still traditional and not free to embrace new methods to improve performance and reduce risk of injury. My experience was enjoyable and will continue learning and developing to help out the guys ESC-NI work with.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

The athletes are out there!!!

The future of irish weightlifting. Clarence Kennedy is a unique athlete who has the ability to be an outstanding weightlifter but as in any aspect of life, to be successful many hours of practice is needed to be the best.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Its a Funny Old World

A Tuesday morning was spent having a fun session at Cookstown. Its amazing how a little competition within a session can spice it up and push you to further yourself. Have a look at

Cheers Colin for the video.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Science Behind Fat Loss Seminar

ESC-NI are hosting a seminar in the Armagh City Hotel on Wednesday 26th January entitled 'The Science Behind Fat Loss'.

Timmy (ESC-NI) has been organising the event and has invited Dr. Gareth Davison (Senior Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Science) from the University of Ulster as the key-note speaker. Neil and Timmy will be representing ESC-NI at the seminar.

The seminar will take place in the Fisher Suite from 7-9pm and will cost £5. There will be a cooking demonstration by Hotel Chef Gerard Mallon to conclude the event.

Queens PEC Session (Sat 8/1/11)

Neil, Robbie and Pete completed a session up at Queens PEC, Belfast. There are 3 Platforms, and the Bars and plates are decent enough with it the gym normally pretty busy. Lot's of cardio equipment - countless number of comcept 2's in the room next door.

Pete was doing dead hang work - focusing on the clean and he worked up to 150kg. He then did 3 x of 1 DH Clean and 2 Front Squats at 135kg. He then worked up to a straight foward 170kg Back Squat.

Robbie hit another 80kg in snatch, and followed up with 105kg CJ. Back Squat of 135kg. He did some 3 x 1Clean 2 FS at 100.....and finished with few pull-ups for the weekend!

Neil got an 80kg snatch and hit 100CJ and up to 108kg clean. The snatch was a pb up 3kg from 77kg. 140kg BS and 20 pull-ups.

Got a few of the lifts on mobile camera:

Robbie's 80

Neil 100

Pete 145